Introducing: Horseshoe Crabs in the Classroom, Take 2

During the 2011/2012 school year, we had a program called Horseshoe Crabs in the Classroom at our elementary school. This program is offered through the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and it's a great idea for a number of reasons - letting kids learn about these incredible pre-dinosaur animals while, maybe, helping add a few more of these amazing animals to the Chesapeake Bay.

Last year, we ended up with no live horseshoe crabs (HSC) and I think this was because of over-zealousness on my part for ridding the aquarium of an unwanted fungus or at least what I thought was fungus. The 4th graders, though, were very enthusiastic and they learned a lot about the critters even though they never saw a live one in their classroom. Sigh.

This year, though, now that the teacher (me) is a bit more experienced, I think we'll have better luck. So here's Take 2...

Friday, August 10, 2012

August 10 - What's up?!

Not seeing a whole lot of movement in the tank. That's been true for the last few days. I fed them again. Yesterday I gave them 2 cubes of the baby brine shrimp and then added in one of the bigger cubes of just plain ol' brine shrimp. Today I put in another big cube. Feed them! That's the ticket!

The main clump of them is in the end near the air stone. I don't know if that's the result of currents in the tank or what but that's where they are. A few are down near the filter so I made sure to get some of the brine shrimp to them as well. It's a pretty long trek for them down to the big clump.

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