Introducing: Horseshoe Crabs in the Classroom, Take 2

During the 2011/2012 school year, we had a program called Horseshoe Crabs in the Classroom at our elementary school. This program is offered through the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and it's a great idea for a number of reasons - letting kids learn about these incredible pre-dinosaur animals while, maybe, helping add a few more of these amazing animals to the Chesapeake Bay.

Last year, we ended up with no live horseshoe crabs (HSC) and I think this was because of over-zealousness on my part for ridding the aquarium of an unwanted fungus or at least what I thought was fungus. The 4th graders, though, were very enthusiastic and they learned a lot about the critters even though they never saw a live one in their classroom. Sigh.

This year, though, now that the teacher (me) is a bit more experienced, I think we'll have better luck. So here's Take 2...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August 6 - So how big are the baby horseshoe crabs? And other questions.

How many do you think would fit on a penny? 12? That's my estimate. Or guess. Anyway, you now see the famous pyrex bowl I've been using to take photos. On the equally famous red table with the white kitchen garbage bag that the aquarium sits on. This is a molt - an empty shell - so the horseshoe crab that came out of it is about 25% bigger than the molt.

Now on to my latest concern. I'm seeing lots of molts in the tank but not a lot of movement. That's probably okay. The videos below are of the accumulation of molts in the tank where some little crabs are moving around. For the second one, I used a tablespoon to gently - sooo gently - scoop out some of the molts/crabs into the bowl. You can see one moving around.

And last are two photos. The first is of some of molts that were floating on top of the water - so none of them are alive.

And then there's the one below. I could only see one of them moving. So - do you see much difference? Are some of them in the photo below alive but not moving? Stay tuned, horseshoe crab fans.

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